silver4's Diaryland Diary


shoes and ramen

pettyquarrel: i loooove the crow, i've also seen it a ridiculous amount of times and i have a tattoo of a crow per my obsession with crow and darkness and all the loveliness it entails. :)

last night we went to some club. as we were waiting in line, girl JK was wearing some heels that to us ladies was no big deal. this guy with us, i suppose i'll call him d3 (although i don't think he'll get much future reference in here because we don't really kick it very much), commented that the heels were so high that she'll be uncomfortable. she said oh no, they are broken in and very comfortable, that she has like 3 pairs of heels that are worn regularly because they feel great when we go out. i agreed, saying that it is true, that once you find pairs of heels that look good and feel awesome, you sort of stick with them and use them all the time because they don't hurt you, as they are reliable, until you basically wear them out.

d3 was like ah, i see, it's sort of like when you meet a good man, right? you stick with the good one?

i said yes. just like a man. you use him until you are done with him, wear him out, and then get a new one.

apparently that's not what he meant...

after i got home, i met up with everyone at R's, and he cooked/heated up random things for us to eat, including some indian food, a burrito, and ramen noodles. random? meh. i ate them all. i realized though, as i was passing out on the futon, that although i talk a lot of shit, they talk a lot more shit and say so many mean things about the people we know and have so many off judgments about them. i know that i'm weird and crazy and bitch a lot to M about situational issues, but this was like a run-on session of shit talking, and i basically fell asleep to it. i had interjected a few times to let them know that the things they were saying were mean, but my words were overlooked and dissipated into the air. but i was drunk so i was fine passing out to it, around or after 2.

i woke up around 5 to see my bowl of leftover ramen noodles chillin next to me on the futon, nobody was in the living room anymore. so i had a few bites of noodles. they taste pretty good cold. then i fell asleep again. then i woke up again maybe around 6, delighted to still see my bowl of noodles, and finished eating them before walking home.

i think i'll go back to sleep now. sadly i won't have any noodles to wake up to. :(

7:13 a.m. - 2010-05-31


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