silver4's Diaryland Diary



The last couple days have been pretty fun. Yesterday was CH's wedding, finally! They've been dating 8 years, engaged almost 2.

So I'll have to chat about the last couple days in another entry, but the wedding was lovely, I'm very happy for my friend. I did get asked about when is it going to be my wedding, and I was given a recommendation as to who I should marry (a friend from high school who I saw the night before, who was my prom date) along with CH's bro in law asking me about if I'm gonna call his friend who he wants to hook me up with. Do I look like I need to get married now? Or be in a relationship, or desperate for love? People ask me why I'm single and I say it's because I'm really good at it. I also say I'm unlovable. Yet people have yet to give up hope for me.

Blah. And lucky me, I agreed to go to another wedding today with this one girl, a wedding for strangers I don't give a shit about. Apparently it's at 11 am at a strip hotel golf course and the dress code is formal. Ummm... No. These people would have to be officially out of their minds to have a morning wedding in Vegas at a golf course (outside I assume), in formal attire. It will be over 90 degrees outside, everyone will be sweating their formal balls off. It's not my people. I will be wearing a basic dress. And I decided I will bounce away from these people early too; apparently there is a gift opening party at CH's sisters house at 1, and they invited the bridal party, meaning I'd much rather be there with my real friends. I love my real friends. I don't even know these other people.

My friend and fellow bridesmaid K told me that she thinks I'm a huge flirt, worse than her, as she believes she is pretty bad herself. Therefore, she assumed that I was a bit of a player and tossing around guys left and right pretty much. That was such a proud moment for me, I felt honored! Although completely unfounded... I think. Well, the player thing I mean. I love men no doubt, but I don't have them at my disposal. And I am a flirt but I didn't know that my efforts were observed. I feel special :) These comments came after K acknowledged that the guy who wants to hook ne up with his friend, he was basically staring at me all night. I mean, ALL NIGHT. Throughout the wedding, afterwards with the picture stuff, and especially at the reception, he just stared and stared at me. I was like ok WTF, is he going to spend the whole night with his eyes glued to me or is he even going to regard the bride and groom? So K took note of that as well and told me, and I said nah, I think he's just trying to hook me up with someone...but he has been hard core gazing overboard... I told her that he couldn't possibly be interested in me, because he's married and his kids were running around, and plus the friend thing blah blah. She laughed at me and gave a non-believing "yeah, okay...".

And to conclude this, I will say that CH's sister's hubby is a bit of a hottie and whenever I've seen him he's always smiling at me and trying to chat with me, and today when he saw me, he asked "how are you doing, gorgeous?" within semi earshot of his wife, but I don't think she or anyone else heard him. I replied and smiled at him. CH told me before that he had admittedly cheated on the sis a couple times and they were possibly going to get divorced before because of it, but they work on it. Something tells me that they are not working too hard at it though, or at least he isn't maybe. She seems so disconnected and irritated with him, and he... well, he's going around being a little hottie and whispering hello gorgeous to little ole me, the newly crowned biggest flirt, especially flirtatious to the married fellas, who are a fun challenge to play with. So this one is lucky he is married to my best friend's sister, because it puts him off limits for my special charm; I could definitely take him. But it doesn't hurt to just say hi... Fine, fine, I'll behave.

Yeah so really don't care to go to this wedding today but the girl sounded so pathetically desperate and begged me, straight up begged me, because she didn't have anyone to bring with her. Yet her parents are going. Sooo... She claims she has self-confidence and stuff, what exactly is the problem? I've gone to several weddings dateless. In fact, I'm fairly certain that I have never brought a date to a wedding. When I was dating D, I went with him to all his friends' weddings, but when I asked him to accompany me, he was a bitch. In fact, the one wedding that I was maid of honor in, he wouldn't come, which was actually fine by me because I could flirt with whoever I wanted to without having to be aware of him, so it ended up being in my favor afterall. His bro's wedding is today as well. On a golf course... Fortunately there are several golf courses; they can't possibly be the same one.

This entry is already long so I might as well ramble about the other stuff. The mani/pedi stuff the other day was nice, just sadly another expense, but good for the lady bonding stuff and making CH feel special. Then we all had a break from one another since that was 9 am, and later gathered again for the rehearsal dinner. It was nice and they gave us our bridal party gifts, which were necklaces from Tiffany's. Very lovely. And then I get a text from the high school prom boy, JM, saying he's having a party at his place and to head over after, so I obliged and changed. Went there, got drunk, enjoyed the hot tub, played beer pong and was doing awesome until I started sucking, but it was a lot of fun. I joked around a lot with JM, we bounce off one another very well because I am always ridiculously over-sarcastic and he is also sarcastic, and we balance it well with one another and talk a lot of shit to each other about our professions; he's about to enter optometry school, next year. He's a lot of fun, and he's cute, and of course our banter counts as flirting, but I would never consider him as a potential hubby. He's a good guy and I don't think I deserve a good guy sometimes. I honestly don't know what I'd do with someone who treated me with respect and aimed all of his attention and focus to me. I only know how to be the secret girl, and I only know how to love people I can't have or whose background dictates someone of the same. I guess I'm just used to dysfunction.

Well on that note, I will rest my eyes for a little longer before I get up and ready for the wedding. And ah, the girl just called and said she has to be there an hour early for the pictures, so I can come and pick her up for 10, or I can just meet her there for 11. That would have to be one of the stupidest things she has ever asked me to choose between. Seriously? Why the hell would I want to go early to a wedding where I don't know the people, and watch these strangers take pictures and just hang around for an additional hour? Ugh I'm already starting this off irritated and on a bad note... Okay gonna rest it away.

7:18 a.m. - 2010-10-10


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