silver4's Diaryland Diary


Thus begins the weekend

Last night, I took 2 sleeping pills and a headache pill at 9:00 and went to bed. 9 pm. What 31 year old woman in Vegas does that?

This girl. And it felt great. I woke up a few times (11:30, 2:30, then finally 5:30) but I was always able to go back down. I can only imagine if I didn't take anything to help me sleep. When I finally got up the last time, I figured that was fine, since basically more or less I got in 8 hours, and that was my goal. Actually, my goal was to sleep until like 10, but when does that happen? Needless to say, I am up, ready and semi-willing to do work.

When I got home from work yesterday, I was annoyed by my apartment, becatse of all the dental crap everywhere. I want it gone already. Outside my front door was a package from UPS (which also in itself pisses me off; I hate that they just leave packages there, where anyone can take it. Just leave me the fuckin packing slip and let me pick it up at your site), which I grudgingly kicked indoors. I knew what it was, more dental stuff, so I took it out of the excessive packaging and put it on top of the dental pile. Join your friends, buddy, this is where you belong.

It is just so exhausting to look at. I don't want anybody to come over. I know my dad always wants to come over, and I try to condense the mess as much as possible, but frankly I can only do so much. Maybe I'll grab some more storage bins from Walmart today. Then I went to grab food to clear my mind, which didn't work; I started thinking about the day in the near future where I will be loading my car with all of these things to bring them to the office, and I wondered how many trips it would take and if I should recruit someone to help me (likely not, because, in case you haven't noticed, I like to handle things on my own). It is weird, because although I am always willing to help out others, I feel as if it would be a burden to ask someone else to help. I would recruit my dad with no hesitation if he lived closer. And he is overworked anyways, I don't want him to come drive 30 minutes to my place only to be put to work.

Anyways. Rambling. I am calm and rested. Laundry time. Then time to work.

Tomorrow is my grandma's 71st birthday. We are all going to some comedy show tonight. It costs too much to me, but I'm done bitching about that. But essentially, we got VIP tickets, but show reviews say that all the seats are basically good, so we really could've gotten waaaay cheaper, but no. Props to little sis for buying tickets before everyone agreed to go, for telling us the price after the fact. Because we all have disposable income just lying around. Actually...I do have a jar full of quarters on the counter, maybe $200 worth..but that's besides the point.

So yep, doing that. I've basically banned myself from socializing for the next couple weeks, mainly things like the concerts, going to bars, going out to eat with friends. I just want to focus on this crap I have to do and be done with it. I saw a friend last weekend, LH, who is a sweetheart and likes to go to the clubs. We did lunch, which I had to mentally prepare myself for, because every time we get together in non-alcoholic situations, all she does is talk dentistry. She graduated from my school, the class below me, and we were fairly close. It's always work and her office and her bosses and their life history, and they also went to our school like 2007 grads or something, and blah blah blah and advice to how I should market because of what they do (yelp, zocdoc; things that require reviews. I don't have patients yet, hence I can't rely on reviews, stop telling me what they do, I'm not established, I know what I have to do dammit I have been doing work on this shit for almost a year now). And it's mostly her talking and me listening, and whenever I get a chance to talk, I always change the subject to non-dental, and those are the moments I can handle. And then we went to my office, I have her the tour, she's excited for me. So yesterday she texted me asking if I wanted to do lunch with her and another of our dental alums from her class, and I thought noooo I CANNOT sit through another 2+ hours talking about my office again from the beginning! I thought I put in my time last weekend! So I told her that I had a lot going on, which I do, but that if I can get things accomplished at a reasonable hour, I would let her know by 12:30. As for now, I would prefer the non-social. But sometimes I think man, just get it out the way and hang out for a bit, then I can focus on me.

So we shall see. Okay, laundry.

6:30 a.m. - 2013-09-21


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