silver4's Diaryland Diary


points of interest

So much to say. Never any time to say it any more. I will probably fall asleep a couple times in the middle of writing it. So I'll just hit a few key points before I get too distracted.

- the office is going well. Haven't started seeing patients yet sadly; a few kinks still to figure out and then some random essentials that need addressing like oh the X-ray system..not like we will be using that every damn day or anything..the guy for that is coming on Monday. After canceling on me twice already. Mother fucker.

- the team rocks! I love the girls. The back office one is super enthusiastic and she has this great young energy and is so excited to work. She OWNS the back office, like "back off this is my zone peeps!" And I love it! Plus she is OCD and a neat freak, and I am not, so with all these shipments we have been getting in, she is quick on getting it all in to place. Front office is very on point, she is professional and I love it. All of our personalities balance off of one another beautifully. Then again, I do kinda pay them to hang out with me, but i would like to think we are a good team

- love life is laughable. Next.

- oh speaking of which, this guy who I dated more or less in my early 20s, he called me tonight for the first time in maybe three years. It's actually a running joke with me and my friend AV, because he would call me like once every one or two years, for the last TEN years, and he would tell me that he's thinking of me or something, and them he would disappear again. So I was talking to AV on Monday and jokingly said that I want to invite him to my opening party, and now he called! Crazy how the universe works. He lives in Cali though now, has a two year old daughter from a girl he was with, and the mom and daughter just moved to the east coast because they weren't really getting along. But he always pops back up to me, it's hilarious. I say we are meant to be. AV laughs at me. There is something about me that makes the crazy guys go crazier, and the guys I want, well..nada

- we got like 78 likes on our Facebook page and we aren't even open. I love it! And the sign went up today, and I was there setting stuff up this evening and some lady came up eagerly to the door, it was like 6 or 7, and she wanted to bring her kids, but I don't take her Medicaid insurance, so she was like "nooooo but you are soooo close I can walk here from home!!" But the division of that insurance plan actually basically costs more to accept than it brings in to the practice, it's a pretty bad plan, and that's why barely anybody takes it in the Vegas valley. So yes, got my first walk in today! Woot woot!!

- I kinda want to share my website that weird? I know we are all anonymous and all, but I'm so proud of this office and what has come of it from inception to creation to voila! It is my baby. Maybe I'll post some new pics of the office on the fb site and then post that. It is a super fun place so far though. Yayyy

- running in a 5K color run tomorrow morn. Haven't seen a gym in months. It isn't about fitness though, it's about fun. And that's what I need, friends and fun and no office work for a couple hours. Then I can go right back to it soon thereafter. I have 20 million things to do there still. When I am not at the office, I am guilted into wishing I was there. Then when I am there with the team, I can't accomplish my tasks because I have to tend to the girls. Then the days I am not there, when I am working at a different office, I am multitasking to get stuff for my office done, and when I finish at whichever office I'm at for the day, I go straight to mine and do more work. But I'm not very functional later in the night, so mostly I pathetically wander around in circles.

- I've been watching House of Cards on Netflix lately as I go to bed. I enjoy the distraction. It's a good show. I enjoy Kevin Spacey.

- focus wearing thin now. Hoping to see patients next week or the week after. Damn X-rays and other bs stuff. I need to be productive this weekend. Back to the grind. But first bedtime. Well, first house of cards.

- then grind. Yay teeth

- grand opening party November 2nd whaaaat??? Yay!

8:43 p.m. - 2013-10-18


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