silver4's Diaryland Diary


another blah

so last night was a bust. i was supposed to go to a few events but i only made it out to one, which was fun, but it dragged on. i'm not the kind of girl who likes to sit around playing board games with my friends. i wasn't raised like that. it's not just me being bitchy and uncooperative; i've never been into sitting around for an unknown period of time (hours) playing some family fun game. i complain because that's how the night ended last night, for a friend's birthday party. it started off the way that most things start off, drinks, food, laughter, fun, chatting, music, etc. but then the hosts were like oh no, we should bust out a game so they can play. and i am known, i am notoriously known, for not playing games. i say it straight out, every time. i don't mind them. i will watch them. i think they are fun for the people involved. and they were playing cranium last night, and as an outsider who came in and participated occasionally, it was fun. but it was like 2 hours. that i do not like. it's just not my character. i'd rather we watch a movie for 2 hours. anyways, that party started around 6 and it was a small group and the girl who drove me wanted to leave in decent time so she could go drive out of the city in the morning. and she even asked me if i was planning on going to this other party afterwards, and i said yeah. so i thought it'd be cool. nope. and after a while i just gave up and gave in and accepted the fact that i was stuck and i was going no where so i might as well love the fuckin game. i wanted to go out and drink and dance, that's the kind of girl i am. i love to go out and get drunk and dance and meet people who i never plan on talking to again (wonder why i'm single...) and play with my friends and come back and pass out happy and satisfied with sore feet from dancing my ass off. but nope. came home around 12:30 knowing that it would be pointless to try to meet up with the others. i wanted to dance with the boys because i feel like i haven't done anything with them in a while. anyways, no go there. maybe next weekend... i also missed another party too, but i sort of didn't have a passion to go to that one. anyways, it was fun or whatever. i drank some wine and now i feel like whitening my teeth a little. they just live in a sea of coffee, tea, beer, and wine. surprisingly though, my teeth are very resistant to stain. people are always commenting on their whiteness.

anyways. that's all for now. i want some breakfast. i'm trying to flirt with D2 again but he's so difficult and passive. i hate having to be so suggestive, i want him to just get it and give in. i just want to play with him again. and i enjoy his company and i like talking to him. it's stupid because some people say that i'm too intimidating and then others say i can be aggressive... whatever. i'm a nice girl. i'm not unattractive. and i have now gone off on an unnecessary tangent.

where can i find breakfast???

9:45 a.m. - 2009-11-08


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