silver4's Diaryland Diary


still safe

this morning a group of us met up for a project we have to do for one of our classes, to discuss some treatment planning thing, blah blah. we met up just after 2 at my place, and M is in the group, but he wanted to come over earlier, so he showed up somewhere around 12:30 or 1. he initially wanted to come pick me up, bring me to his place, hook up, come back to my place, have the meeting, go home. but i had miscellaneous things i wanted to do with my morning like, oh i don't know, eat, and so it thwarted his initial plans and he seemed bummed by it. he's a little crazy sometimes. but in a good way i suppose. i also had to go to the store and buy some new flowers since i didn't really have many leftover after distributing them for valentine's day, i needed some for my room, so i bought some new lovelies. always the highlight of the beginning of the week.

so we met up, discussed crap, JG was there and annoyed me a little but not too much. he's been really, really annoying lately, and he whines about the fact that i don't talk to him about my heart's deepest concerns or whatever. he just wants to have talks at the most inconvenient times, and i honestly don't care to share my feelings with him of all people. but he doesn't accept it, and continues to touch my hand or my arm or so, and won't back the fuck off. but today i managed to keep him away slightly, and kept things straight to business. after the meeting he wanted to chat about insignificant small talk, but M and i were planning on leaving right after the meeting, so i sort of brushed off JG's commentary. my bad. i'll be nice to him tomorrow i guess.

when M first showed up, he came straight to my room, where i was straightening up and clearing away the designated space for the newest flowers. we leave my door open pretty much, and are usually mostly aware of where my roommates are. they know we are close friends, so with him always right beside me, it's generally no big deal and no concern or suspicion. plus, we don't want to close the door and make people start thinking anything. but then M keeps being lovey towards me, and we're laying on the bed and giving light kisses and interlocking fingers and all that good stuff, and at some point he was sitting on my bed and i was standing above holding him and he was kissing my arm, and then we see peripherally my one roommate TM who should be the most suspicious person of all, she comes to the hallway where our vanity sinks and mirrors are, and the mirrors look straight into my room, and she sees us and says 'hey guys', and i immediately slyly pull away from him and we say 'heeeyyy...' and initiate bs chatter, M and i looking at one another like oh fuck she caught us. but no, she didn't seem to notice a thing, and later on in the day never even acknowledged anything about us being all over each other.. perhaps she thought we were just giving friendly hugs. i swear, all the hints in the world are directed at this girl, she walks in on us accidentally, and we always get away with it because she doesn't put it together. it's just an ongoing bit of hilarity when it comes down to it. she's a doll though. and then after a while, we had the meeting, blah blah, then M wanted to take me to his place, but we pretended we were going to get food and asked roomie if she wanted anything, which fortunately she did not, and we left. we get to his place and have wonderful sex, which i just love with him. we have a lot of fun together. anyways. we do that, play time yay....

i'm getting sleepy again, yet again. i'll continue commenting later. falling asleep from a long day here.

11:52 p.m. - 2010-02-15


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