silver4's Diaryland Diary


First Friday

I went out tonight with my friend LH who recently moved here, I know her from D school. She was in the class below me, and since I have always been super friendly to everyone, she and u clicked long ago. However, she ALWAYS talks about work and dental crap. Sometimes, you want to just go out, and talk nonsense. BS. Escape work. At least if I babble on and on about work here, you guys can just close the page. She just went on and on and on, and then the people with her were complaining about the fact that we had to walk to get to the venue for the event, and whining about "wasting" $5 for parking. There were at least 6 of them in the car. Really? REALLY?? THIS is a valid complaint? Even though this isn't an indicator of wealth by any means (hello, look at me), but aren't you a dentist?? And all your little cronies in their fancy name brand clothes and accessories, isn't $5 menial to you in this situation? Ugh. I had on my $10 shoes from Target, $5 shirt from I think walmart, and jeans my grandma gave me, and I gladly handed over my parking money to the attendant, and I drove my ass solo.

Sorry. People who complain about money who come from money or just have money drive me crazy. I complain when it is valid. Like forking over that money to the landlord, it actually hurts my account, but I am prepared for all that is coming up now, and if that means I am eating tuna sandwiches for lunch and dinner every day for the next year, so be it.

....I won't though. That's too redundant. Anyways.

They actually made a potentially fun experience become a completely annoying one, for so many reasons I care not to dive in to. Needless to say, I hope to remember tonight, and keep it registered in the front of my mind for future outings. I was supposed to remember before, but I slipped.

Aside from that, work is staying steady now, now that I am in multiple offices. I think I mentioned this, but I am working two Saturdays a month now as well, and tomorrow is going to be interesting to say the least. Actually, tomorrow will be hectic, but in a good way. After work, I am supposed to meet up with some guy from online for drinks and food, and then headed to a birthday party for one of my aunts. After that, a friend from D school is in town for a bachelorette party, and she wants to hang. So I look forward to tomorrow's adventures. The guy I am meeting, we just started talking via messages on the online thing yesterday, and he seems nice enough, but he sounds a bit more of a dork than I am, and I'm pretty bad. Like, I am a dork and nerdy and good grades and teachers loved me and I loved math and physics and engineering and reading, and then I became the epitome of what a science major might as well be, but I did it in a cool, sexy way?? Yeah?? Well this guy is like a microbiology lab guy who works on hospitals and blood banks and basically is like super sciency. Not sure what will come of this one, but my philosophy is to just go for it. Go on a date, just do it. He totally gets a plus for being a college graduate. Some of the guys who I have dealt with in some form of another had something against education or so, it was weird. But he actually went, so that's cool. Totally not a requirement, obviously, but it doesn't hurt. I went to school long enough for two people, the least I could ask for is someone who gets an associate degree. I don't know. Whatever. The only thing this guy has solidly going against him is the fact that he has the same name as the first guy I slept with/fell in love with. We didn't tell each other out names until after we agreed to meet. Then I said oh btw I'm blah, then he said I'm blah, I was like, why?? Why? Ugh. And it's an uncommon name. Ass. But he might turn out to be a good guy, so...not ass.

Meh, that's it. I just wanted to complain about people who complain about insignificant things, aka learn a lesson from myself. Hope you had a glorious Friday, good night <3

10:46 p.m. - 2013-04-05


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