silver4's Diaryland Diary



i don't want to be here anymore. i want to graduate. i want to be done. i want everything to be done, over with. i want to leave now. the whole system is just annoying as hell, purely annoying. straight annoying. i'm tired of school. i''m actually glad i'm not doing anything else after this. if i had to go through anymore schooling, i'd go crazy. i just want to live my life already. i hate the way things are. i really do. but whatever.

this morning was good, i had to run around back and forth across the clinic to work with two patients in different departments and i was starting to go crazy as i looked at the clock to get shit done. good thing is that i got an impression that i had to take, came out. woo hoo. :) bad thing is, i tried the same for my afternoon patient, and it didn't fly. he had a filling that fractured out and he was sensitive, so i had to tend to that tooth first and do a new filling, then go across to my planned tooth, but issues issues issues, no go on any impression, sigh. i also went to sleep last night with no food in my system really, and then i didn't even eat anything today until about 6 because i kept zooming through clinic. fortunately i'm very functional on minimal food, but towards the end of the last clinic session i started to feel a little loopy from the rush and the craziness and everything else that i had to do after school, i was like nooo fuck this, i have to get something asap. so i went out, grabbed food and coffee, brought it back to lab and ate there before proceeding to do bs lab work. and i know that it's a successful day in lab when i come home with pink wax splattered upon my pants, along with wax and burns on my fingers from grabbing hot waxing instruments soon after heating. sweet. i still want to hook up with d2 again. i keep seeing him around these days and i'm not sure what's the ideal way to propose the idea to him... hey, d2, remember when we hooked up? let's do it again. now.

so i sort of want to drink some beer. i'm still sick though. such a dilemma.

i don't want to be awake anymore. i'm tired, somewhat. last night i went to bed around 2 i believe, woke up around 7. i ended up writing down my thoughts, my sad lame thoughts about the dumbass who ruins everything. i didn't feel like writing it in here at the time, i wanted to physically write shit down on paper and get it out. so stupid though. eventually i'll put it in here i think. maybe. if i feel like expressing my vulnerable self even more.

it's hard to be such a hard core bad ass when i sit around whining about love.

good night, i give up.

10:13 p.m. - 2010-05-11


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