silver4's Diaryland Diary


stupid removable

today started off nice. i woke up around 5:30 am to work on my partial case for my 7 pm patient. alarm was set for after 6 but meh. i finished that up, went a little crazy with it, but did it. then went to lab before 9 to finish up making some denture case pretty before submitting it. then i go to oral surgery and i finish the last of my surgical extractions that is required (yay!), and then i relax in the afternoon, assisting the second year who is assigned to me as she does her second extraction. and she rocked it and i gave her so much praise and encouragement so she felt really good at the end. i think it helps the learning process and boosts the confidence when you have somebody who has your back and lets you take charge. so i could tell that she was really happy at the end. so it was all good, yay blah blah, oblivious roomie wants to go to starbucks so i grab my stuff and move it to my next station for night clinic; we see M and drag him along and get our coffee. then we are all just blah and semi separate. night clinic is at 6 but i put my patient at 7 because his case would be quicker and i knew that he didn't want to close his shop up too early, so i gave him the extra hour. good thing is, i got to see this guy N who is a clinic instructor for the second years, who i was talking to a lot when we went on the fiji trip, whose company i enjoyed thoroughly. so i went up to him and we chatted a lot. i like to talk to him. i think he's fun and attractive, but i don't think he's into me. but i think he wants me to stay in sf so i can be his awesome girlfriend.... or something like that. maybe not. so we chat for a while until some girl takes him away from me because she needs him to look at some prep, and i go get set up more for my patient. he shows up, life is grand, i try in the case, he's happy, and then i get faculty over... and then the night goes to shit. because the instructor proceeds to be a complete asshole towards me and is asking me why i did the case a certain way when i was TOLD last week by another faculty member to do it as such. and he is all bitchy and unhelpful and unencouraging and not at all making me feel like i'm learning anything because i feel like i'm being berated. and then my patient didn't like him either, and he asked me afterwards what was up with him and i'm like yeah, i can't get a read off of him, i don't know if he's trying to be a straight dick to me or if he thinks he's being helpful, but it felt like he was trying to make me feel like i didn't know shit. and i was explaining things to the dr and he's like 'i don't know what you're saying, that doesn't make sense' and so i'm like 'okay, maybe i'm not explaining myself very well' and i shut up. but he continues to say things about why i didn't do blah blah blah blah fuck blah blah blah. and what can i do? i just take it and i'm like okay, i just want to know why you do it like this, i'm not trying to be a bitch, but fuckin teach me; if you're going to be my damn teacher act like it and help me learn. anyways, at the end, i was pissed and like okay whatever. and he told me to remount the case and reset the teeth, and i'm like okay whatever. and then i vent to one of my friends and warn her about him for next year and how he'll make her feel like shit, and i walk home with another friend, AY, and bitch to him. so i feel better now, because i had a quick smoke and drank a couple beers and ate, but i was just irritated and over it earlier on. so he basically tried to kill all the happiness of earlier in the day, but he didn't take it all away from me.

then i get home and AY has food leftover from yesterday's clinic thing, and we along with girl JK eat and watch tv and i drink and calm down. then i go towards my apartment but instead head to R's because i hear noise there, and JG is in the elevator with me so i make him come say hi with me, and we say hi, blah blah. that's it. i go home, shower. more beer, get out the shower, and look at comp, and R had immed me. so i immediately im him back because, why wouldn't i? it was something school related, but meh. i'll take any conversation with him, significant or not. and now i'm sleepy. i should take sleeping pills. i don't want to be awake right now. i want R to cuddle with me. asking for too much??? meh. i'm just going to take my pills, close my eyes... (set my alarm for super early for remount/reset) and peace out. sucks. just thought i'd share my lovely day with you. and M was whiny yesterday about not getting together, but i said straight up to him that even though he may want to get together, my priority was graduation and not him. and then he shut up. and today C was normal again, which actually doesn't say much because if he goes out with us again this weekend, i'm pretty sure he'll just be back at it again. which really doesn't matter because i plan on staying at R's. that, plus the escape from clinic, is the reason i love my weekends.

9:58 p.m. - 2010-05-20


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