silver4's Diaryland Diary


mi amor

we went out last night, blah blah, dancing and drinking as always. i actually didn't dance that much with R, i danced more with some other people. it was a good group and actually it was a bunch of girls this time, which usually annoys me when they want to do the girl thing, but it wasn't overboard. then people start leaving and then i don't know why but R and i decided to leave, and we get in the cab and i feel loopy, and really want to get home already. we get home, i drunkenly say hi to the security guard and he asks to see my phone (since i lost it that one time, now i have to show him when i get home that i still have it). then we get to our floor and are walking and R slows down at my place and says let's go to bed, and i'm confused, because we never go to my place. and he opens the door and i'm like oh, okay. so we go to my room and get in bed, and i'm all lovey and drunky and shit, and then i'm like fuck, feeling sick, so i go to the bathroom and throw up. yay. and i come back and i'm like yeaaah sorry? and i relax. then at some point he's like i'm going to my place and i'm like nooo and we're standing in the hallway and he says he likes his bed (but mine is better to be honest) and i tell him that my pillows are awesome, but he says good night and i say bye and he leaves. so i go back to bed, but i'm still drunk. and so naturally, what do i do? i call him. and i ask him if i scare him, and he says no. and i say okay and i hang up. then he texts me and asks me if i'm okay and i text back yep, then he says that he likes his bed. and i just ignore it because i'm just... well, i'm just a drunk. so i get up and throw up a couple times, and i come out and R is at my place again. and i ask "you're back?" and he says yeah, and i ask why? and he said "because you were sad". so he goes to my bed again and i go through a few more rounds of being sick, don't know why he stuck around. i told him that he didn't have to stay, and went back to bed finally, and he was there just sleeping. so we sleep, and that's it. no kissing, understandably. no nothing, just nice, peaceful sleep. he left around 10:30, and i was thinking damn, he sleeps in waaay too late, i'm gonna have to grab a book or something.

and occasionally when i was up and he was asleep, i would creepily watch him sleep. he looks really good in my bed, covered in fluffy white. and i know he secretly admits that my pillows are better.

10:58 a.m. - 2010-05-02


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