silver4's Diaryland Diary



I booked a trip to Seattle for two weeks from now, to visit AP and spend some time with her. She is in town right now, her father's memorial was last night, so I went and got to spend a little bit of time together. She is hurting, I hate to see her cry. It's so tough when you are in different places, physically and professionally, it is tough to just make trips out of town to hang. I want to be with her more. She is the one who moved up north; I shouldn't be guilted about not visiting "more often". But I booked the trip when I got home from the memorial. I happen to have a host of days in a row open, not by chance. I had requested a friday off from one job, and I already don't work on Thursdays. I asked for the Friday so that I could go to a morning course, but then the course got cancelled earlier this week, so I just didnt say anything to them, and instead was going to drive out to Cali for the weekend. Those plans had not settled, so as I sat in my car looking at my schedule, I thought oh wow, I have a bunch of days right there!

The thing is, I know I seem super lazy and that I sit around sipping on wine all the time and never really do work, but in between wine drinking and pining after guys who do not adore me, I am working hard on organizing all this stuff for the office. I am trying to learn and study and pull together paperwork and organize systems and still get all the supplies and equipment decided upon. I technically work 4 days a week right now, and it is impossible to accomplish anything project-related when I am stuck in people's mouths. Not to mention how tough it is that I work at three completely different offices, and I am trying to make things work and pay bills and figure out stuff with office insurance and everything, everything. It is not easy, and I am not just sitting around sipping on wine watching days pass me by. I am trying hard to scramble right now on my off days, so that I am not screwed when it comes time to open. Anyways, my point being, I do not find it easy to predict a time when I can go take a vacation to Washington and play with my friends and bond with her kids. My mind always has so many things zipping around in it at one point of time. If I am on vacation, I am not truly "on vacation", because I am mentally still working. I have lists upon lists that I write. My apartment is a mess; I do a thorough clean-up every Sunday, but come Wednesday, papers and catalogs and highlighters and everything is strewn across any open space. I would personally like to just go out and party and meet new guys and be stupid and have fun, but no. Oh..actually, tonight I am supposed to go to a party and do exactly that. Rare occurrence though. And not really meeting new guys, but rather hanging out with the ones I already know and love: some of the boys from my high school crew, and their friends who I have met along the way. Including that guy I hooked up with about a month ago. He asked me if I was going to go (like I've said, we randomly text eachother), and he said I should come and what the theme was (because of course there is a theme), which I already knew. So I confirmed with my friend who is hosting, he said yep Saturday, come along, and voila, now I have a party to go to. And last time I went to a "party" like this was about one year ago, when he did the exact same thing. It's a "school's out" theme (he is a teacher and coach), so it's a reprieve for him and a welcome to the long summer. It should be fun. And hey, maybe I'll hook up with that guy again? I have nothing against it, I could go for the (responsible) fun of it. As per the school theme, they say to dress as the school stereotypes: nerd, school girl, cheerleader, etc. Last year, I wore my PE shirt from middle school (!) and some pink shorts, nothing really sexy but still feminine. I know they want the girls to look all cute or whatever, but I usually follow my own form and do something not too sexy (the girl who wore a full banana costume for Halloween in d school as part of a group costume with four gorillas, while other cutesy skinny girls danced around in tiny sexy tutus and white tank tops that said "tooth fairy". Original...but it was dental school. Come on. Teeth? Yawn). So my idea is to dress up as a jock...make some type of letterman jacket from the craft store? I'll look around. I don't know entirely how to dress. I don't have a schoolgirl costume, contrary to the belief that most women do.

So that is my short term project for the day, create an outfit. But also I want to clean this place up, and I have to send out some packages and pay some bills. I rushed to pay taxes yesterday because my quarterly is due next Monday I believe, and I am already late from the last quarter, so I'll get some stupid tax penalty. But I'm glad I was able to scrounge up the money to pay for that and not be too screwed. I am still screwed, don't get me wrong. But hopefully all this office stuff going down will not be in vain, and I will be able to start making money and finally pull this all together.

I am rambling now. I am delirious from lack of sleep, and I am growing weary. I see the sun is starting to rise now, there is more light in my room, yet my eyes are heavy. I think I will sleep through the beginning of the morning, if I can.

My life is double booked. Too many things at a time. I also have a friend moving out of the state for school in a couple weeks, and there may be a going away party for her. I truly hope it is not the weekend I just booked for Seattle. If it is, oh well, gotta prioritize on the one I've known for 17 years before the one I've known about 4 months. Fun girl, we bond really well. But, priorities.

Okay. Enough rambling. The day is going to start and I am a sleepy mess. Grrr. I did get on here to write to help me get sleepy, so yay. Okay, happy Saturday dland!

4:30 a.m. - 2013-06-15


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